MAR. 22, 2022
The Council to Advance Hunting and Shooting Sports
Lance Cherry, Communications and Marketing Manager
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (Council) announces the return of the National R3 Symposium, opening registration for the bedrock recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3) event in Broken Arrow, OK.
Scheduled for May 2-5, professionals from agencies, non-governmental organizations and industries across the country will converge at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center for in-depth discussions dedicated to ensuring the funding and future of conservation through participation in hunting, target shooting, angling, boating and other outdoor recreation.
Sessions will address hunting participation and land access, shooting participation and range access, policy and regulations, technological solutions, social media and marketing, storytelling and mentorship, diversifying and enhancing hunting and the shooting sports and Dr. Novotny Lawrence, Associate Professor at Iowa State University, will spotlight the stereotypes and misguided portrayal of African Americans and guns in the media.
“The national R3 movement has made great strides in increasing participation in hunting, shooting sports, angling and outdoor recreation, but the work must continue,” said Executive Director Dr. Steven Leath. “Anyone with a vested interest in securing the future of wildlife conservation and the shooting sports should attend.”
There have been so many significant R3 initiatives implemented across the country in the past few years and the demand to hear about them is enormous. In response, the Council has added something new. R3minutes will be a rapid fire session, open for R3 professionals to share their best projects, success stories, and lessons learned while engaging in a little lighthearted competition. Abstracts are due by April 15 for consideration. Visit the symposium page and click on the R3minutes tab to learn more.
In partnership with the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF), the Council will offer a half-day R3 training opportunity. New and seasoned practitioners are invited to attend at no additional cost. The session will help lay a solid foundation and understanding of R3 principles, strategies and inspire success in implementing R3 programs when they return to the workplace.
Registration for the symposium is $400, $350 if booked by March 31, and includes access to all sessions, networking socials and event-provided meals.
To register for the National R3 Symposium, visit this link.
For more information on registration, sponsorship, or to view the agenda of the National R3 Symposium, please visit