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Hunting & Fishing License Dashboard

The Hunting & Fishing License Dashboard helps characterize license buyers and trends over time. No two states’ license structures are the same and as such the methodology standardizes licenses across states to make them comparable. This is currently the only up-to-date source for state, regional, and national hunting and fishing license sales; and it includes additional metrics such as demographics (gender and age), license rate, new recruits, churn rate, and daily/monthly purchases. If you are looking for hunting and fishing license totals submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, please visit their Funding Sources Page. If you want to see the most recent survey data of participation, please see the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.

Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration
Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports
Southwick Associates
American Sportfishing Association
Archery Trade Association
Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's
Delta Waterfowl
National Deer Association
National Marine Manufacturers Association
National Shooting Sports Foundation
National Wild Turkey Federation
Pheasants Forever
Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation
Sportsmen's Alliance

This project was funded by Multistate Conservation Grants (F23AP00561 and F24AP00089), from the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service and jointly administered with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

R3 Practitioners Guide feedback collection

A Note About The Hunting & Fishing License Dashboard

The information provided by this service helps characterize license buyers and trends over time.

No two states’ license structures are the same. To provide comparable results across states, some licenses are omitted. In addition, the methods used to summarize sales may differ from those used by individual states.

The results provided by this service are not a precise accounting of actual sales or participation and will differ from the official, certified sales determined by each state.

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