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For Immediate Release:

Contact: Cyrus Baird

(Washington, D.C.)  – The Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports opened registration for the first-ever National R3 symposium today. The National R3 Symposium is the first event dedicated to ensuring the future of conservation through the recruitment, retention, and reactivation (R3) of participants in all forms of outdoor recreation.

Registration for the event will be $195.00. “We have worked hard with our partners and sponsors to ensure the registration cost isn’t prohibitive to attendees” said Cyrus Baird, Programs Director for the Council. “We want to encourage multiple attendees from the same organization, company, or state agency to attend – and we will continue to work with our partners and sponsors to ensure that happens.”

The Symposium, planned for May 21-23, 2018 at the Lincoln Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in Lincoln, NE, will include a plenary session with well-known and influential speakers from various outdoor industries, fish and wildlife agencies, non-government organizations, and outdoor media. The agenda features reflections of recent advancements in R3 from various organizations spanning the conservation community as well as key addresses from leaders who have embraced R3 as their organizations’ mission. Presentations will also focus and advance the conversations on R3 and data, R3 and marketing, and opportunities to engage sportsmen in strategic R3 efforts. This event is the venue where advancements will be made on the R3 landscape and where the future of conservation and of America’s outdoor heritage – from hunting and fishing to boating and target shooting –is secured.

“Anyone with a vested interest in increasing participation in outdoor recreation – from CEOs and presidents to R3 coordinators, marketers, IT professionals, or anyone else working on these issues for their organizations – should plan to be at this event” said Samantha Pedder Business Development Director for the Council. “The future of conservation and outdoor recreation depends on our success in this R3 effort. It is incumbent upon us to ensure we are approaching this in a collaborative manner. We need everyone to work together to move this effort forward, and that journey starts in Lincoln“

Join the Council and its numerous partners in Lincoln, NE on May 21, 2018 – and be a part of this effort to help ensure the future of outdoor recreation and conservation.

To register for the National R3 Symposium, please visit this link.

For more information on registration, sponsorship, or to view the agenda of the National R3 Symposium, please visit:

About The Council to Advance the Hunting and Shooting Sports

Purpose: Ensure support for and active participation in hunting and the shooting sports for future generations.

Vision: America where hunting and the shooting sports are an integral part of mainstream culture and where hunters and shooters are widely recognized as premiere conservation contributors.

Mission: Facilitate the promotion and growth of hunting and the shooting sports and the education of the public on the contributions that hunters and shooters make towards wildlife conservation.

R3 Practitioners Guide feedback collection

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