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2025 National R3 Symposium Sponsors

Several hundred representatives from agency, NGOs, and industry across the country will be in attendance ranging from the practitioner to director/CEO level. There are numerous levels of support available and we invite you to join us as a sponsor or exhibitor. Please note that each sponsorship level includes in-person exhibitor space if you choose to use it and sponsors will be emailed a special code with instructions, to use when registering to attend the conference. There will be a special exhibitor social on one of the evenings during the event. Also, make sure to check out our sponsor add-on opportunities below.

For more information or to pay by check, contact Scott Lavin, Director of Research and Partnerships at (360) 3340-3206 or email [email protected].

Sponsorship Levels & Entitlements

Sponsors will receive recognition as described below

Must be paid in full by Wednesday, April 30, 2025 to be included in all conference recognition opportunities



Gold Sponsor

Pay by Credit Card

Sponsor Type



Silver Sponsor

Pay by Credit Card

Sponsor Type



Bronze Sponsor

Pay by Credit Card

Sponsor Type



Supporting Sponsor

Pay by Credit Card

Sponsor Type

Exhibit Only


Exhibit Only

Pay by Credit Card

Sponsor Type

Included in package Verbal recognition at opening session

Special mention from the podium

Included in package Attendee email list

Provided post-conference

Included in package Attendee email list

Provided post-conference

Push notifications


on Whova app

Push notifications


on Whova app

Push notifications


on Whova app

Logo Placement

Prominent placement
on conference agenda,
event app, event website
(logo linked to your
website), on signage,
on-screen between main
sessions and in event
email marketing

Logo Placement

Prominent placement
on conference agenda,
event app, event website
(logo linked to your
website), on signage,
on-screen between main
sessions and in event
email marketing

Logo Placement

Placement on
conference agenda,
event app, event website
(logo linked to your
website), on signage,
on-screen between main
sessions and in event
email marketing

Logo Placement

Placement on
conference app, event
website, on signage
and on-screen between
main sessions

In-person exhibit booth


in premium location

In-person exhibit booth


in premium location

In-person exhibit booth



In-person exhibit booth



In-person exhibit booth



Symposium Registrations


Symposium Registrations


Symposium Registrations


Symposium Registrations


Symposium Registrations


Sponsorship Add-Ons

In addition to your supporting level or higher sponsorship, you may enhance your exposure
by sponsoring a special event during the 2025 National R3 Symposium.
Please purchase your sponsorship package prior to purchasing an add-on.

Welcoming Social


Welcoming Social

Pay Now

Sponsor Type

This will be the exclusive sponsor of the Welcoming Social on Wednesday evening. Recognition will include logo placement on event website, onsite social signage, and in name on the mobile and print agenda (e.g., Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports Welcoming Social).




Pay Now

Sponsor Type

There are two lunches available for sponsorship. Recognition will include a mention directly before the lunch, signage at the lunch, and agenda recognition (e.g., Lunch – Brought to you by the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports).

Casco Bay Cruise

Sold Out

This will be the exclusive sponsor of the Casco Bay Cruise aboard the beautiful Bay Mist leaving from Portland, Maine. Recognition will mention prior to the event, signage on the vessel, and agenda recognition.

R3minutes & Awards Dinner

Sold Out

Since inception, R3minutes (a fun, but informative lighting round on the main stage) has been the highest rated session at the National R3 Symposium. For the first time, we are offering the opportunity to sponsor R3minutes and the R3minutes Awards Dinner (the closing dinner for the conference). Recognition will include the name (e.g., R3minutes – brought to you by the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports), special recognition and signage during the session and at the dinner, and the sponsors logo engraved on the championship belt.

Coffee Break


Coffee Break

Pay Now

Sponsor Type

There are five coffee break sponsorships available. Recognition will include a mention directly before the break, signage at the break, and agenda recognition (e.g., Coffee Break – Brought to you by the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports).



Sponsors and exhibitors needing to ship packages to the conference site prior to the event shall ship to the following address:

Attention: CAHSS

All packages should include a return address and be numbered (i.e.: Box 1 of 3, Box 2 of 3, Box 3 of 3) to assist the hotel with containing the shipment for pick-up.

If you have large items you need to load in, the hotel can schedule times with the loading dock and provide access to the service elevator.

If you need assistance making contact to arrange for this service or have additional questions contact Amanda Pitman at the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports at (210) 379-2166 or by email, [email protected].


For more information contact Scott Lavin, Director of Research and Partnerships

at (360) 340-3206 or email [email protected].

R3 Practitioners Guide feedback collection

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